Friday, July 30, 2010

WCBA Convenor’s Report July 2009- July 2010

 The past year has been another busy and productive year for your Association.
The following highlights are noted:

We’re now Incorporated!
Thanks to all those members who accepted that incorporation would be advantageous and voted to pass our new constitution. We are pleased to say that we are now the WCBA Incorporated.
A special vote of thanks must go to our Treasurer Pippa Werry, who did all the necessary research and applications to achieve this.

Spinning Gold Conference
This marvellous event wove its magic over three days in Wellington from 18-20th September. A dedicated team led by Maureen Crisp and Fifi Colston organised what was the first ever National Conference for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators in New Zealand.
The conference venue, historic Capital House located in the heights of Newtown provided an aptly quirky and creative ambience for the event.

A sell-out from minutes after registrations went on sale, the conference proved to be an overwhelming success.  The full Spinning Gold conference report is available  at tonight’s meeting.
Auckland will host the next Writers and Illustrators Hui, Spinning Tales to be held 25-27 March 2011 (wrapped around Storylines Margaret Mahy Day)

Jack Lasenby Award
The WCBA created and sponsored this award named after our Patron, which is made to the winners of a biennial competition for writers for children and for children who write in the Wellington region.
This past year the award was for Years 7 and 8 students. Our judges, Eirlys Hunter, Fifi Colston and Maureen Crisp examined lots of promising entries.
The winner was Raphael Kidman, aged 12 a year 7 student at Scots College last year. His story entitled “The Big Hairy Monster” impressed the judges with its humour, use of language and reference to several Wellington Icons.  Raphael received his trophy, certificate and a cheque from the WCBA for $200 at the end of term Prize- giving on 1 December last year.  His school also received a set of books from Longacre Press. His famous grandmother, Dame Fiona Kidman, was very proud. Writing is obviously in the family genes!
The committee is currently organising this year’s competition which will be for adult writers.Details will be on our blog so get writing and submit your entry!

Award News
Kate De Goldi awarded creative New Zealand Fellowship
Wellington writer, Kate De Goldi has been awarded the $100,000 Creative New Zealand Michael King Writers’ Fellowship to research and write a non-fiction book about children’s literature. 
De Goldi’s project will investigate the extraordinary story of New Zealand historian, writer and researcher Susan Price and her efforts to encourage children to read and cherish the great body of 20th century children’s literature in English.

Ann Mallinson Awarded Officer of the NZ Order of Merit
 On 28 April 2010, Ann Mallinson, of Wellington, was awarded  the Insignia of an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to publishing, in particular children’s literature.  She established Mallinson Rendel with her late husband in 1980 and since then it has published more than 170 titles, specialising in picture books for children.  The best known author published by Mallinson Rendel is Lynley Dodd whose Hairy Maclary stories have sold more than six million copies worldwide.  Other Mallinson Rendel authors include Joy Cowley, David Hill and Fleur Beale.  The Publishing House has received numerous awards, including the New Zealand Post Children’s Choice Award in 2005 and the Gaelyn Gordon Award for a Much-Loved Book in 2002.Congratulations Ann!  
 Pippa Werry Shortlisted for publishing company prize
An Australian Publishing company, Text, recently announced its shortlist of five contenders for the 2010 Text Prize for Young Adult and Children’s Writing.
The five shortlisted titles included How to Talk to Girls by Wellington’s Philippa Werry who is our WCBA treasurer.
Congratulations Pippa!

Christmas ‘Kids’ Lit’ Quiz night for adults at the Southern Cross.
This popular annual event for adult aficionados of Children’s literature was again held at the Southern Cross Hotel’s Lodge room last December. Dylan Owen presided as Quizmaster. Fabulous prizes for the winning team and spot prizes and raffles added to the excitement.
This year we will be holding the event here at Turnbull house on Thursday 9 December at 7.30pm so do put the date in your diary now.

Coming events for Last quarter of 2010
Events on the table for the remainder of the year include:
Book launches.
Fleur Beale’s “Fierce September” to be launched at The Children’s Bookshop Thurs 9 September
Pippa Werry’s “A Girl called Harry” to be launched at Brooklyn Community centre  Sat 14 August 4pm

Visit to Susan Price Collection
Sunday 29 August
Spring Storytelling sessions
The WCBA will again sponsor our very own Marie Murdoch   for two story- telling sessions at The Botanic Garden as part of the annual Spring festival in September.
Marie will be weaving her magic at the Treehouse on Thursday September 30th at 1.30pm and Thursday October 7th at 1.30pm also. –Details will be listed in the Spring festival Programme which will be available at all libraries.

The WCBA committee looks forward to hosting more Children’s Book events for Wellington members and the public next year. Where possible we like to keep members informed of events by e-mail and through our blog. This is proving extremely useful and we have created links with other literary/book sites as a free alternative to a website. If you, as a member have a book launch or children’s book related news you would like to share with the wider community, please let us know and we will post it on the blog for you. If you have a blog yourself, we can link it to ours too.
How to find us
Blog details
Contact us:  E-mail: 

I wish to thank our wonderful, good humoured and vibrant committee who have worked so hard again this year in a fabulous spirit of creative cooperation and thanks also to you, our members for continuing to support our events and initiatives.

 Here’s to another exciting and productive year ahead! As convenor I will only be standing for another year so a successor needs to be identified to take over the reins.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events in the near future. Do email us if you have suggestions, ideas or queries about children’s literature and we will be delighted to discuss them with you.
In the meantime keep reading, writing and blogging as time permits.

All the best for a creative year ahead!

Louise Davies
WCBA Convenor